First Edition

I have received several responses from across the country as the news of this blog has spread, and one by one the hungry and concerned have surfaced and reached out. In order to lay the ground work for what God gave me thirty years ago to share with my generation, we will have to go back to the mountains of Colorado and nestle down in the warm morning sun and the lightly blowing wind as it brushed my cheeks and warmed me against the morning chill.

Sitting with my back against a large boulder, I waited anxiously for the three bulls I had been scoping out for a week to slip soundlessly out of the shadows and graze slowly down the saddle between the two mountains into the valley below. As I picked up my binoculars and glassed the gap again, I was stunned to see a large division sized group of soldiers making their way slowly up the valley towards my position. It was then that I realized I was having an open vision. The first thing I noticed was that each man represented his native separate country but wore the uniform of the United States military with the flag of their country on their shoulders. Even though they were communicating in English, it was evident they were uncomfortable with the mixed ranks. I was straining to hear what was being said when God spoke to me. He said, “These men are here to maintain the peace in the streets as the financial failure of the dollar is revealed to the masses.” I saw men and women charging the banks, holding uncashed entitlement checks and weeping over piles of worthless currency. Mobs of people were breaking windows out of grocery stores and rushing to strip the shelves of food while others were viciously fighting each other for medicine and supplies they found in drugstores across the cities.

It was then that God began the litany of visions showing me that our world was changing and would never ever be the same. As I watched in horror, I realized that the strange men in uniform were United Nation soldiers stationed in our streets, because in times of extreme trouble they were committed to do something United States troops would not do: they would fire on Americans as directed by the ruling faction to overthrow our country.

In the next editions I will reveal the identity of these factions and share with you the things God instructed me to do to ready the church against false prophets–who are gathering as we speak to lead the church astray–and how we are to rally the “Remnant Seed” for the last day revival.


Prophet Paul Haygood

Over the last fifty years God has periodically opened up the heavens for a brief time and allowed me to see that which is to come; sometimes it was pleasant, sometimes it was sad, but many times it was frightening. On some rare occasions, He allowed me to share this with the body of Christ, but more often He would instruct me to be quiet and pray and He would show me His Power.
The difficult part of being in the “Office of a Prophet” (which is the only true prophet) today is remaining silent when everyone around you is spewing false prophesies and creating “Candy Cane Words” for the body of Christ. I’m sorry, but I cannot condone the custom our churches have fallen into – lining people up and giving everyone a word. Unfortunately, this is a classic example of misconstruing the “Gift of Prophecy” and “The Word of Knowledge,” and its appeal to sign-seekers has birthed a nomadic group who follow each other from one emotional watering hole to another with little or no fruit, measuring a move of God by the number of “courtesy drops” they witnessed. To face that which is to come will require more strength than falling out and feeling goosebumps.
If you are here on this site, I am to presume that you are fed up with walking in the shadows of immature forecasters and ministries that are being brought into the pulpits of Apostolic Christendom to soothe and comfort their weaker members. This is the group who seek a sign but can not tolerate Biblical truths. The only thing on the menu in this domain will be Biblical truths with MEAT as the main course. I will leave the milk and sugar entries for the immature Christians who cover their ears and sing “LALALALALALA” when a prophet begins to “Rightly Divide the Word of Truth.”
It is my goal to explain the difference in the “Office of a Prophet” and “The Gift of Prophecy,” and I will try to explain the “Gifts of the Spirit” and the power of “The Spoken Word” for your understanding. I will try to shed some divine light on why the church cannot be saved in these troubled times without a true Prophet being woven into the fabric of its administrative covering on local levels. Many churches pay more to the maintenance crew than to a Prophet. It has never dawned on the church world in this generation that a laborer is worthy of his hire, because they have never been taught the value of the five fold ministry. If a church wants more than a corporate word (words to the entire body of Christ) they need “the Prophet” for their church. Churches today need more than an itinerant Bible school graduate struggling to read his notes. A seasoned prophet that brings the missing piece of the five fold ministry with specificity to a church is needed if there is to be Divine guidance at a local level.