Third Edition 

As promised in this edition, I will address Matthew 24 and the words of Jesus when he was asked by His disciples, “When shall these things be and what is the sign of your coming?” When Jesus answered, He began describing some of the most harrowing things the disciples had ever heard and put in place specific time lines that still mesmerize Christians and scholars to this day. When He said for them to beware that people in leadership not deceive them, it shook them then just as it does today when Prophets proclaim that some Christian celebrities, home town preachers and “Mega Pastors” are sowing misinformation from their pulpits and misdirecting the Bride of Christ. I sat with a few friends around three weeks ago and discussed the possibility of the warning that Jesus gave when He said, “there would be wars and rumors of war” that it could include America. I marvel that intelligent men and women, raised on church pews and spoon fed the Bible since birth, could be so naive as to believe that just because we live in America we could not possibly see tribulation and persecution. In an effort to grow congregations by being so politically correct, they will not mention the words persecution, beheading, monetary ruin, divided families or national destruction in their pulpits. If that offends you, maybe you need to join the liberal churches who dare question the authenticity of Matthew 24 and have torn it out of their Bibles altogether. As we sat and talked, I told them we would see riots in our streets with murder being committed over something as small as a can of soup; drugstores being looted and merchants losing lifetimes of labor in a single night at the hands of unrestrained mobs. Of course the urgent question was: when will this be and what can we do? I mentioned at the beginning of this blog that I would share with you the things that God has given me over the years to watch for and how to prepare for times such as these. Well, hang on – this might be a little rough for some of you.

When God began showing me time lines over some thirty five years ago, I saw riots and destruction beginning in America when the government could no longer issue entitlement checks, and businesses began to lay off workers with decades of seniority. In fact on one occasion, I remember the words that came to me, “if someone will kill you for a pair of ‘Air Jordan’ sneakers or a leather Bomber Jacket what will they do when their wife is hungry and their sick baby has no medicine”? My friends have asked me on more than one occasion what could possibly push a country as great as ours to the tipping point of financial destruction and political mayhem? I can only tell you what God has given me. When His people no longer worship only Him, when everything else in their lives are more important than His word and when attending the house of God becomes a chore instead of an honor, look up, for the time of judgement is at hand. We have prided ourselves on being the silent majority for so long – letting the abusive minority lead us around by the nose – that we didn’t notice that we have been lead down a path of destruction where there is no exit strategy. I will preface this rough ride we are about to take with this declaration: “The church is on the brink of the greatest revival ever promised to humanity, and the world is about to reap the harvest of the sick seed it has sown.” We are seeing wars and rumors of wars as stated by Jesus and nations rising against nations every day when we turn on the news, so what makes this one different? This is what God gave me.

Over the years I have been visited by manifestations, and I call it God moments that little by little brought prophecy into focus. Sometimes it would be years between happenings, and sometimes it would be a few days. When I saw war in the streets of America, our cities being burned to the ground and our country being attacked by outside armies, I couldn’t believe that a country as great as ours could ever be overthrown. I actually asked, “God how this could be?” Often at night, I would stare at the Word and ask for explanations to the open vision I would have, and many times I wondered if I was the only one seeing these aberrations of things to come. How could America lose its financial ability to sustain itself, defend its borders and support its allies? I know that He showed me the time frames for the beginning of the “End” but how could it be and who would launch this overthrow of the greatest nation in the world? In order to share this with you, please try to get this setting in your mind.

I searched the Word. I asked other Prophets and sought council from learned men, but it was not until I was sitting by a camp fire in South Sudan in 2004 that I began to see some clearing in the fog surrounding these perplexing visions. The night was cool and the fire flickered against the blackness that wanted to consume us. I was talking to the largest Arab arms dealer in Africa about what else? Politics. The Kuwait war had wound down; the Iraq war was raging. America was making progress in the Middle East, and I was stating that America was going to straighten out the issues that seemed to plague the Arab-led Islamic countries. Of course my friend had another opinion, and so it went back and forth between his Arab loyalties and my patriotic ideology until he dropped what turned out to be the Eureka Moment of my prophetic life.

I feel the details of what happened next had such importance in opening up my spiritual awareness that, in order to do it justice, I will dissect it fact by fact in the “FOURTH EDITION.”

Second Edition

For all of you out there who have responded to this blog and still remember the prophecy of the early days, it feels good to get the band back together. You guys will remember when God first released me to share the words He had given me on the mountain in Colorado. To some of you this might sound redundant, but please bear with me while we bring everyone else up to speed. I promise you it will be worth the wait. As promised in the First Edition, I will expose the factions that are trying to destroy our wonderful God given country and why they feel it is their calling to tear the heart out of our children and strip morals out of our churches.

I’ll never forget the year 1969: it was 2:30am Monday morning, and I was driving through rural Alabama fighting sleep. We had closed out a four week revival Sunday night, packed our instruments, sound system and clothes and hit the road trying to get to our next revival six hundred miles away. This was not unusual for us; we had no home so we would spend the year starting a revival on a Monday night, preaching every night for fourteen to twenty-one nights, closing on a Sunday night, packing up and starting over again. Tonight I was struggling to stay awake, so I was surfing the “radio” when I came across the “Joe Pine” talk show. Joe Pine was the Rush Limbaugh of radio and was always good for a blood pumping eye opener, but I never expected what I was going to hear this night. As I struggled to tune in the signal, I almost wrecked the car when out of the black night I heard the word “Homosexual”. It was not a word you heard often and certainly not on the radio for public consumption. It was not the word that startled me; it was the statements that followed that have haunted me to this day. Driving through the early morning blackness, I was bombarded by a disembodied voice spewing a perverted mission statement that waged war against Christianity and Biblical principles. Even though we were exhausted, I had to wake Sharon up just to be sure I was hearing what was polluting the airwaves that night.

The man who railed out at Joe Pine and the world laid out a battle plan to take over the leadership in schools, school districts, police departments, political offices and the pulpits across Christendom. This individual boasted his group would make it legal for same sex acts in public places and same sex marriages as an excepted practice throughout America. Joe Pine could hardly control himself; like me he could not believe what he was hearing. This ranting and raving went on for over an hour, and we listened in horror while this man spewed plans to destroy our morals, our patriotism and the Constitution of the United States. He prophesied everything from moral decay at every level to racial division. How was this going to be brought to fruition? There was an all-out attack waged against patriotism, self-respect, Godliness and Christianity. It suddenly became socially incorrect to cry when you hear the National Anthem, defend your nation, wear clean clothes, pray in public, have a job and love your spouse enough to save it for marriage. While the silent majority has stood by out of fear of offending the verbally abusive, our streets have become killing fields; our school campuses have metal detectors and church ushers have to carry guns. We have seen oral sex come in vogue in the White House. Politicians are expected to steal and lie. We elect presidents who publicly declare they are taking the office because America is a mean nation and must be stopped, and the government has tried its best to muffle pulpits by using fear of prosecution to silence what used to be God fearing people.

Does this mean that all of this is just because of homosexuality? No of course not. It is the satanic plan to divide and destroy Americans and take no prisoners. The enemies of the state have turned fellow Americans against each other by dividing the once United States into Afro-Americans, American Indians, Heterosexuals, Homosexuals, Conservatives and Liberals. For years now parents have stood by and let their children become drug dealers and drug addicts—prostituting them to the streets rather than risk being socially incorrect by physically taking control of their home. We have been so divided by fear and bred to hate until now, the only way we can use God’s Name in public is if it’s followed by an obscenity.

Over the next several Editions, I will disclose the spirits that form the factions mentioned in Matthew 24. I will lay out for you, line item by line item, the things that “MUST COME TO PASS ”. I will show you in an irrefutable fashion why the church must go through the “Great Tribulation” and what the Remnant Seed must do to be intact for the Last Day Revival.

Many of you have asked for more information, and I will be posting on a more regular schedule as soon as we work out how to post your response so we can share your thoughts with everyone.