Fourth Edition 

For years I tried to piece together the prophetic visions I saw on the mountains of Colorado with Matthew 24, Daniel 7 and Ezekiel 12, but without divine guidance and spiritual insight, they were just one prophetic enigma after another. Now, standing in the heart of darkest Africa with one of the most powerful arms dealers on the continent, I was having a Eureka moment as he shared with me the innermost working secrets of a terrorist group called Al Qaeda. Suddenly, all the visions began to run together, and now it was not just quick snippets of “open vision flashes,” it was a full feature film being orchestrated by the hand of God. After all the years of frustration and confusion and hours of prayer trying to understand what God was showing me, I realized what He had revealed to me had not been as clear as black and white but gray and beige. Now it was all coming together with lighting speed and vivid living color. For the first time since my first prophetic vision, I could see not only the actions, but now I could see what was causing the actions and the force behind the actions.

You cannot imagine how I felt as this man stood in front of me, silhouetted by our campfire against the black African night, telling me that our next president was going to be an Islamic–that he had been placed in America over twenty years ago by Arab power brokers, educated by America’s greatest political minds, had his finances orchestrated for him and tasked only with the destruction of America. My newly found friend went on to say that the Islamic world did not have the armies that could march through our streets, the air force to bomb our cities or the personnel to occupy our nation after they crippled it. They could, however, destroy our currency, crumble our economy and negate any influence we had on the world stage. He said this newly discovered Islamic Senator would rise from anonymity to world fame on the magic carpet platform that would take him from a Kenyan slum to the White House as part of a diabolical plan to destroy Israel by destroying her greatest ally from within.

I sat there speechless as this man described in great detail how riots in our major cities, stemming from racial outbreaks, would divide our nation. How the minorities would wage war against our police and first responders and how this new Islamic President would call for the United Nations to send “Peace Keepers” to dominate the “Land of The Free.” Sighting incident after incident, he went down the list confirming everything I saw in the visions and everything I preached to that small but attentive congregation in Denton for over twenty years.

For those of you who have read my book ”The Seer Chronicles” subtitled “The Caliphate,” you can only imagine the shock I experienced when the arms dealer started describing how the New Islamic President would devalue the U.S. Dollar to the point that the International Monetary Fund would recommend it be dropped as the reserve currency of the World Bank. Ironically, this actually happened today. The newly elected President would allow China to become the largest owner of property in the United States, and the Chinese Yuan Renminbi would be orchestrated to replace the dollar as the strongest currency in the world.

For those of you who may find this vaguely familiar, please note my meeting with the Arms Dealer was in 2005, and I wrote the book in 2000. God was already at work preparing the message I was destined to take to the body of Christ.

I will stop here and ask that each and every one of you call, text or contact all your friends and ask them to catch up on the blog, and get ready for the ride of your life. After this edition I’m taking the gloves off and will share with you what happened when I went to the CIA in Nairobi trying to save the life of the Prime Minister of one of our allies and how an “Agency Black Team” came to my house and scared my family to tears in an effort to silence me. How, in a Kenyan slum I was introduced to President Obama’s grandmother and as she embraced me, she shared with me that she had birthed him right there in her hut and only in America could a slum born child be a senator in the United States of America…… But that is for the next “Edition” !!!!!!

One response to “Fourth Edition 

  1. Why has the Republican Party been so blind to the destruction being sown by Obama? He was never vetted. Sheriff Arpaio’s posse has proved that his so-called long form birth certificate is a forgery. His selective service card is a forgery and his use of 17 SS# is a felony, too. He continues to act like a dictator, issuing Executive orders and ignoring our Congress.


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