Sixth Edition 

During my encounter with the Arab arms dealer, I was reminded of the “open vision” I had experienced in Colorado and the “Civil War” I had witnessed taking place in our cities and streets. Hopefully you will remember that in the vision I had seen riots, racial conflict and mayhem in our cities and total anarchy.
The arms dealer had emphasized that the Islamic forces couldn’t march through our streets nor did they have the military forces to overthrow our government, but they did have a plot to destroy us from within. Through the years, I have often wondered how the wanton destruction and total collapse of our country could happen so quickly and why would a force come against America with such anger and disrespect for life. Why would they want to destroy our way of life and prosperity? Of course after the vivid conversation with my new Arab acquaintance in the Sudan desert it was so very clear. Their Jihad against the West is a war against Christianity and America because we are Israel’s greatest ally. As stated, this can only happen from within and what greater seat of power to operate from than the White House. The arms dealer made it very clear that OPEC had placed Barrack (Barry) Obama in the American education system and financially and politically paved his path to Washington D.C. He was then armed with the power to destroy our military, disenfranchise our medical system, depreciate our currency and endanger our executive system by placing handpicked individuals in some of the highest courts and positions in our country. With marching orders to destroy everything that has made America great, an almost invisible oligarchy have worked hard to tear the heart out of our generation and have created an environment in our educational community that makes being a “True Patriot” an embarrassment. I have watched in shame while professional athletes, playing on the largest platforms in the world, refused to respect our flag, and Hollywood personalities openly blasphemed our warriors and their sacrifices to keep them free.

How does this fit into my vision? Simple, radical Islam has waged war against America, Israel and Christianity from the streets of our cities and the Oval Office. How did Isis come to power so quickly, and how did it get funded and armed overnight? If you will look closely, you will see a lot of the arms and vehicles used by these heartless killers were gifted to them by President Obama when he (against all the recommendations of his Joint Chiefs of Staff) pulled our military out of Iraq and left billions of dollars of weaponry in place for the taking by Isis. This being his method of operation, it was of no surprise that he is releasing 100 Billion Dollars of assets to Iran and has created an open door policy for Iran to use those funds to engage China’s best nuclear scientists to supercharge Iran’s weapons program. Last night I watched the Director of Homeland Security beg the American people to wake up to the truth. Border security is not a political issue, it is a life and death situation, and that it is not “if” it is when Isis is going to set off the dirty bombs in our major cities that are being smuggled through our Southern borders. Any one of these devises will make cities like New York, Dallas or Los Angeles a toxic dump site – making them totally uninhabitable for the next three hundred years.

Death from within; how farfetched is that? On Jan 22, 2016 while the East coast reeled from the worst blizzard in history, the Senate tried to pass a new bill setting aside the War Powers Act of 1973, thus giving the President the ability to declare Martial Law and declare war anywhere, anytime, with power to deploy U.S. troops on any soil, including America and its territories, with orders to confiscate all weapons until such time as he declares it safe to return them to their owners.
Also this week, the head of a major company explained why they were compelled to outsource their workforce to neighboring countries instead of building new factories. It is just another symptom of the failure of our leadership to protect us from the calamity ahead. Our electrical grid was constructed over a half a century ago and is so obsolete it cannot furnish enough energy to substantiate enough new factories. It will take 100s of Billions of dollars and over forty years to strengthen our energy grid to offset the rolling blackouts destined for America. When this blackout begins, riots and total chaos will ensue, just as I saw in the Colorado Vision. Unfortunately when this happens, lawlessness will be the norm and we will have to be able to provide for and protect our families.

In Edition Seven, I will talk about the preservation of the Remnant Seed. In the meantime, please pray that God will give me wisdom that I can present this in a way to strengthen your faith in God’s ability to keep us safe during this time, while He reveals his plan for the Last Days.

In Faith in Christ