Seventh Edition 

I am always getting asked the question, “What is the Remnant Seed,” and it always startles me when I find old or new Christians who have never heard of the Remnant Seed. Being raised in a family that was immersed in the prophetic, I made the most frequent of mistakes. I thought every Christian understood the Five Fold Ministry and its responsibility of preserving and perfecting the body of Christ. The Five Fold Ministry consists of the offices of Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers.

Ephesians 4:11

And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers:

It is clear in the Scripture that God will never do anything with mankind until first He tells his prophets. Over the years I have been asked by pastors and elders why God chose the prophets to announce his intentions to the church and not Apostles or Pastors. In some circles, this has been the cause of trouble between some Pastors and Prophets and has even driven some church leaders to say that any anointed sermons were prophecy for fear the congregations would prefer one ministry office over another. In order to control their pulpits, there is a revival of self appointed offices sweeping the church world. In an effort to silence prophets today, everyone wants to be a “Bishop” over someone, something or a group of their peers. I see so many of these newly appointed Bishops pressing for recognition in our fellowship and yet some of them don’t even know the qualifications or duties of a Bishop. It makes me sad.

1 Tim. 3:1-7

This is a true saying, if a man desires the office of a bishop he desires a good work….He must be blameless..husband of one wife..sober..vigilant..of good behavior..given to hospitality apt to teach..not a brawler..rule his own house..not a novice.. good report.

“There are things today that you DON’T want to hear! Hey, there are things that I don’t want to hear. But the Bible says, ‘You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!’ So really, I want to hear the truth…How about you!……….”(Quote from Pastor/Prophet Rick Bowen)

A few weeks ago I was told by one of these Bishops that the church doesn’t need prophecy today. Instead, I was told it only needs revival because prophecy frightens people, and I was basically encouraged not to talk about anything concerning the “last days” because that might scare the church. That makes about as much sense as saying we only need cooking shows on tv; and whatever you do, don’t watch the weather report because it depicts that tornados are in the area, and you might not be able to sleep well tonight if you see all the red and green shaded areas on the Doppler radar map. God forbid if we mention having a safe room in your home for storms such as these. If you live in Miami, no one thinks you’re a fanatic if you have a hurricane room with two weeks of supplies. If you live in the mid-west, no one thinks you’re weird if you have a tornado SAFE ROOM under the stairs. In California, they take time at public schools to teach earthquake safety and they call it a public safety service. 

However, if you sound a prophetic warning in the church world today, you may be called a radical. Of course Elijah was often called far worse, and was often accused of stirring the masses into a frenzied mob. As you look into the eye of the storm, you will understand why God said, “I will do nothing unless I first tell my prophets.” Prophets are the voice of God in the last days. Are they the only voice of God? Of course not… just the Prophetic voice of God. If they fail to speak what He gives them, they are a failure. If the people won’t hear, they are rebellious and if they push the prophetic aside, they fall under the judgement of God.

Psalm 105:15

Touch not my anointed an do my prophets no harm.

The Remnant Seed is God’s plan for the end of time and the last day revival. In the Eighth Edition, I will lay out who will be in this plan and how God protects them until the last outpouring of His spirit.   

Coming soon…

As promised, I am putting together the Seventh Edition, but it is taking a little longer than expected. After getting into the preservation of the Remnant Seed, I realized a majority of the followers don’t understand the Five Fold Ministry, and without an understanding of this they cannot see the importance of the Remnant Seed. Please pray for the anointing to allow me to clarify the the value of this blog to the church today.
