Ninth Edition 

In the last eight editions, we have talked about the Five Fold Ministry and its place in the church. Why is it that the office of a Prophet is not honored in every church setting today? Well, some things never change!

One reason the Office of a Prophet is not honored is partially because most churches are not taught the difference between The Gift of Prophecy and the Office of a Prophet. When someone has the Gift of Prophecy, he is used to speak a word of prophecy once in a while, and sometimes only once in his life; whereas someone that fills the Office of a Prophet operates in that function 24 hours a day. It never turns off, and it never leaves; so whether he is in a crowd, in a church service or alone he is still operating in his gift. Because of this, prophets are never allowed to be “normal” as compared to what others might call normal. How would you like to be able to “look” into a person’s life and see all the details that they think are hidden away in secret places?

One day, I had a call from a young prophet who asked me to join him for lunch and discuss what was going on in his life. As we sat in the restaurant, he poured out his frustration to me about not being able to enjoy even the simplest things because he saw all the elements in the lives of those around him. For instance, he looked across the room and picked out a couple sitting by the window and began to tell me he “saw” that the couple were not married to each other and were cheating on their spouses, and of course, he was right. As we sat there and ate, he verbally went around the room exposing the conditions of all the people eating there. I listened while the young prophet poured out his heart and frustrations about the downside of being born into the Office of a Prophet. I had to explain that, just like being able to see in the natural does not give you the right to be a “Peeping Tom,” being in the Spirit does give you the right to randomly look into people’s lives. You have to control the gifts that come with the Office of a Prophet and learn how to use them in the desired order of God’s will.

Have you ever noticed that in the Bible a prophet was either sitting in the palace beside the king or hiding in a cave fearing for their life? Do you know why? Because a person in the Office of a Prophet can always see and knows what the truth really is…whether you want it to be known or not. Just because a prophet is silent doesn’t mean he doesn’t see. I have been asked several times by pastors about spirits that were trying to take over their church or people who did not have the pastor’s best interest at heart. Many times after asking, they didn’t want to hear the truth because of emotional attachments or when faced with the truth, they couldn’t see it. This has always been the conflict between leadership and prophets. Very few people really want to hear the truth about the future if it is uncomfortable for them, so when the prophet speaks, it is not always accepted.

You might ask yourself: why wouldn’t everyone want to know the future or know the truth about the people around them, especially those in leadership? The truth is, when you have knowledge about events to come or see short falls about a person in leadership, it requires them to take action and therein lies the problem. Watching some of our leadership today react to prophetic words reminds me of a teenager plugging his ears and singing, “La La La” as loud as he can when someone is saying something he doesn’t want to hear. Whether the church leaders today like it or not, God said, “I will do nothing until first I tell my Prophets.” God placed the Office of a Prophet in the church to direct and lead His people and customs – politics or opinions cannot change that.

I will be discussing this subject in detail in the next several editions, so to those of you who want the truth about the future of America, the Church and what God expects of us as a people, please follow closely and pray for me as I open for the first time what God has been showing me and other prophets in the Kingdom.

One response to “Ninth Edition 

  1. This is all very fascinating to me. I have often thought surely some of our leaders really know what is going on, but either out of fear or arrogance, they choose to ignore the truth. But aren’t we told that the truth will set us free?


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