Tenth Edition

As I said in Edition Nine, prophets hold a unique position in the Kingdom of God. It seems one day they are in the king’s palace wearing expensive golden jewelry, the finest raiment, sitting next to a king and eating from the finest china. The next, they are in a cave, communicating with bats, fearing for their life and desperately searching for their next meal. Why the dichotomy? As you look into the life of a prophet, you find it is not the prophet who changes but rather the task that God gives him that creates the conflict.

As I stated in Edition Nine, those called to the Office of a Prophet are required to lead the Children of God in everything from their spiritual well being, providing their livelihood to literally protecting the Remnant Seed (the individuals who will initiate the Last Day Revival prior to the return of Christ). As a true prophet, you are not allowed the luxury of being wrong on the occasion when you don’t feel like pressing through the carnal barriers that separate our old human flesh from the “Spiritual Man of the Hour” that God needs to rise like the proverbial Phoenix and speak to His people. When a prophet speaks, he is literally voicing ‘Thus saith the Lord” from the mouth of God to the ears of humanity. He cannot afford to miss it. The major draw back to this is that, by definition, it is “PROPHECY,” which means it has not happened yet. Only time will tell if you are a true prophet or a false prophet, and this is when things get dicey.

To God, a day can be as a thousand years and time is not relevant, so when God shows a prophet something, the prophet has to determine WHEN to share it with the church and HOW to share something so it will be accepted as being from God. On occasion, it can be as simple as a prophet hearing something from God and just repeating it word for word back to the congregation. Sometimes the prophet has to explain what he has seen or heard to the congregation in great detail so nothing is lost in interpretation. A prophet may have a dream, or experience a visitation from an angelic entity, or he can have an open vision. An open vision is when the prophet is in a completely cognizant state, and God has him live through an experience that He uses at a later date to show the prophet what he must say and when he must speak out in order to lead the body of Christ into the next level of obedience.

For instance, thirty eight years ago I was in Colorado elk hunting, and I was led to separate myself from the other hunters and setup a day camp in a mountain saddle where I could scope the mountain for a migrant group of elk. As I sat on a large rock looking through my scope and warming myself in the fresh morning sun, I was astonished to see a large convoy of soldiers marching through this wilderness area. In this area, the Government would not even allow us to have a chain saw, so I was speechless when I saw men and equipment covering the entire mountain side below me. As I watched, God spoke to me and instructed me to look at their faces. Upon closer examination, I saw they represented several nationalities, and then God told me to look at the epaulets on their uniforms. I was shocked when I saw they were U.N. soldiers and the epaulets were the flags of their home countries. It was then that God spoke to me in an audible voice and said, “These soldiers have been brought to America and trained in our facilities about crowd control because the day will come when the entitlement checks from the government will not clear and there will be riots in the streets. America will go to war, but it will not be a war on foreign soil, it will be a civil war between the ‘Haves and the Have Nots’.” U.N. soldiers will be called in to maintain order in the cities because American troops will not fire on their families. In the midst of this chaos, the powers that have been set in motion to destroy America will overthrow our Government; our economy will fail; our currency will be deemed worthless, and waves of roaming gangs (the Have Nots) will loot and steal food, weapons and medicine from the homes and businesses in the cities and in the suburbs (the Haves).

This is when God told me to acquire a large amount of land and build a place where I could protect my family members and other believers He would send to me. This place must not only be able to protect us from the roaming gangs of desperate people and the pseudo government that would be put in place by a One World order, but it must also be able to provide all the food and spiritual security that will be needed.
Herein is the conflict with church leadership today. I have been chastised by pastors who did not want this taught from their pulpits stating they didn’t want their people frightened by this type of End Time Prophecy. I’m sure this is how Ezekiel, Isaiah, Moses and other Old and New Testament Prophets felt when they were asked by God to give unpopular messages to the Children of Israel. I think the ‘Elephant in The Room’ is, if I understand the description of the Five Fold Ministry, that they are gifts from God to His people and that the pulpits belong to Him and are to be ministered to by the entire Five Fold Ministry. Withholding the End Time Prophecy because it might frighten or confuse someone makes as much sense as asking a doctor to break his fiduciary responsibility to his patients and withhold a diagnoses of cancer or coronary distress for fear of upsetting them. To do this only allows the disease to go untreated and ravage the body unchecked. To not speak out when God has given a prophet a word for the body of Christ is like asking the sun not to shine or a volcano not to erupt when God shakes its foundation. The problem is not that prophets are scaring the church; the problem is that God has chosen to do nothing unless first He tells his prophets and sadly, in many cases, leadership has not allowed the prophets to speak in “Their Pulpits.”

This is the case where the blind lead the blind, and they both fall in the ditch. Without a prophet to speak through, God recognized that the Church would wander aimlessly around without direction and into certain deception. I find it discomforting that some leadership today feel that they must protect the vocal pulpit from prophets in the last day, lest the prophets deliver a message from God that would fulfill Matthew 24 and cause disruption of the Pre-Tribulation Doctrine.
In the next edition we, will discuss why God has chosen to tell every true prophet involved in the last day preparation the very same thing about saving the remnant seed.

Be Blessed

3 responses to “Tenth Edition

  1. All the answers are in the Word of God and can be revealed if we but ask. Good word Paul, keep writing, we need it. I truly believe God will lead us and protect His people in these last days, it’s His promise to all who believe and trust Him. Love you.


  2. I find myself “listening” to people in the Church and “watching” them and it brings a discouragement that the Church is not where it should be. We’ve become followers and not leaders. Prophets of God are ignored because they have to lay out slowly God’s processes or His way of doing things and people don’t want to wait for this type of message. Brother Paul your message is spot on and deliberate and precise. We are in the days for which the Prophet Ezekiel spoke to and we must find ourselves “listening” intently to the voice of God’s Prophets in the land. Keep going


  3. Sorry, but I am disappointed in this post. I found it to be redundant-providing the same ‘cover’ and explanation of the path of the prophet. Much of this was covered in the last post. I understand that what is revealed has not happened yet. But since it has not happened yet, is it set in stone or can it be changed through repentance and prayer? Has God sent someone on the scene that can redirect this nation to line up with God’s will?


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