Eleventh Edition

I would like to thank all the people who have responded to my blog and especially those we have pastored over the years, who remember the prophecies the Lord has given me and how they connect to current events. What I am sharing with you in this blog is not meant to strike fear in your hearts but rather to remind that He will allow nothing to come upon you for which He has not first made a way of escape. I have been bombarded with requests to stop being ambiguous and spell out in detail what I saw on the mountain that day. For those of you who have a weak heart or the inability to accept spiritual truths, don’t read any further. I give you my word that everything I have written is derived from the vision God gave me, and there are witnesses who will confirm that I have been preaching this for 38 years.

When God gave me the open vision in Colorado, He also gave me some markers to look for so I could understand the prophetic timeline and not be taken unaware.

  1. Marker one would be an economic collapse world wide and a dismantling of the Ecumenical Order “World Wide Government and Currency” marking the end of unilateral agreements, like the European Union and other continental agreements around the world.
  2. Marker two is the friction between the Haves and the Have-nots that would start with demonstrations, marching and aggression in the streets.
  3. Marker three would be riots and race wars in the streets, resulting in looting of groceries stores, drug stores in the downtown areas, eventually moving into the suburbs. The underlying fact here is the revelation that after they deplete the food and drugs from the stores, there will be no one coming to replenish the shelves. When we see this, it will be official that we have entered into a Civil War spurred on by news pundits and racial instigators, who feel driven to destroy America as we know it today and use their “Bully Pulpit” to incite a revolution of destruction and mayhem.  
  4. Marker four would be the failure of our government to issue and honor entitlement checks and medical aid in the form of Medicare/Medicaid. 
  5. Marker five: By the time it gets to this stage, all of the first responders we have learned to depend on will have deserted their post in order to protect and provide for their own families. Our country will be without form of structure, and we will become a lawless barren war zone. When this happens, it is inevitable that the government will have to call in U.N. troops to try and maintain a semblance of control and will give the U.N. authority to patrol our cities (because U.S. troops will not fire on their own neighbors) in an effort to keep the “Rule of Law” and salvage what is left of our culture.
  6. Marker six: In the latter part of the vision, I saw our country being overrun from our southern borders because there were no Border Patrol agents left to control the flow of immigrants, and hostile aliens were flooding into the United States. Then God allowed me to see hostilities and carnage being waged against our country by terrorist and extremists.

I will develop these makers in detail in next edition.

I will stop here for now, and in Edition Twelve, I will insert the plan of survival God gave me immediately after the vision. Without a doubt, He instructed me to began putting a place together where I could take my family and those He would send so we would be intact for the Last Day Outpouring of His spirit.

I know there have been groups across our nation that have gone to extreme measures and done outrageous things in the name of God and screamed loudly that they were the only Bride of Christ. This has resulted in their demise, and rightfully so. Anytime anyone has moved beyond the boundaries set by the Word of God, they are false prophets and heretics and should be marked as such. I can only say that everything I have said is founded in the Word of God and does not cross one of the prophecies left for the Church in the Last Days.

In Edition Twelve I will be addressing:

  1. The breakup of the E.U.
  2. The U.N. code word “Civil Strike”
  3. The beginning of World War Three
  4. How the Government has plotted to take church pulpits through the 501C3 filings

One response to “Eleventh Edition

  1. I remember so vividly, even where I was sitting in church, the first time you revealed your vision long ago. I do believe God will keep His people safe and give us direction – just as you mentioned in this current blog – when these perilous times come. God is forever faithful!!


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