Twelfth Edition

In Edition Eleven, I said I would share the survival plan the Lord gave me that day in Colorado, and I will do it in this edition but let me put in this caveat; this is not for everyone, and it is not a test of faith.

As I sat on the mountain, I also witnessed a plan for survival for me and my family. It was frightening as well as exciting to watch the future pass before me as I sat quietly by and marveled as the entire side of the mountain became a big screen entertainment center.

I saw hoards of terrorists and foreign agents stream across the Southern border, and I watched them help government officials incite riots and unrest in our major cities. I saw our cities erupt in fire and the populace running through the streets pillaging and burning one city block after another. At this time, God spoke to me and said, “The next major war America will fight will not be with another country but in the streets of its cities, towns and villages. It will be a war between the Haves and the Have Nots.” Here is when I actually saw foreign UN troops firing on Americans trying to turn the tide of human flesh fighting, screaming out of control and being pushed like a battering ram through our streets.

I saw our banks being looted and financial institutions overrun until the multitudes realized that the currency no longer had any value; then their panic turned to fear. If our currency had no value what would they use for currency? It was during this turmoil that our electrical grids were destroyed by our enemies and food in stores and homes began to spoil. With no power, the peace officers refused to expose themselves to danger, instead they were staying home protecting their families and foraging for food and medicine. The hospitals were shut down when their generators ran out of diesel and there was no medicine or food for the patients.

Now the truth was hitting home that just as the prophets had said: America was brought to her knees and was paying the price for killing 60 million babies, electing politicians who turned us away from God and allowed perverseness to abound. I cried out, “God what about the Remnant Seed?” This is when He began to open another vision for me to see. This time I saw me preparing a place to take my family where I could protect them, gather food and maintain it and also grow a sustainable food and water source until such a time as He started the Last Day Revival.

I’m a little reluctant to share everything He instructed me to do simply because in the last few years so many people have jumped on board the “Prepper Syndrome,” and I do not want this to look like copycat revelation. For those who will accept this at face value, I will share some of what I’m doing.

As I watched our country fall apart from the top down, I started looking for property that could be maintained off grid, outside city limits, capable of growing crops, with live water and anonymity – the anonymity as its greatest attribute. I have found vendors who provide underground facilities, faraday cages, hydro-generators, protection instruments and self defensive instruction. If you have noticed, several television personalities and ministries are offering sustainable food packages. Five of the nations largest grocery stores are now offering tubs and barrels of sustainable food and self purification water filters. (Let me digress: those of you who have sat under my ministry will remember that thirty years ago I prophesied that when the last days began that water would be more expensive than gas.)

Is everyone supposed to run to the country side, start hoarding food and dig a bunker? Well, now be sensible. That makes as much sense as running to a safe room when the tornado sirens go off, doesn’t it? I compare the warning that God is giving the Church through the prophets as important as the warning the United States gave the Jews in 1938 when they were told to get out of Europe. Unfortunately, many church leaders today are taking the same stance the Jewish community took when they said, “We own the banks, the factories and the markets. Nothing can happen to us so please don’t spread this fairytale among the workers; you will panic them and paralyze them with fear. If the workers flee the country who will run our factories; who will plow our fields; and who will teach our children?” Well, six million dead Jews later, I’m sure if they had it to do over again they would make a different decision! I have not, nor will I force this revelation on anyone nor will I make it a test of faith. I can only attest to what God gave me, and now there is an entire army of people from all walks of life who are seeing the warning signs thirty years after God visited me on the mountain in Colorado.

I would like to share a scripture reference that I have used many times since the open vision came to me. There were ten virgins who were waiting to light the way of the Bridegroom at his coming. While they waited, they all slept, but when the Bridegroom came they shook themselves awake only to find five had run out of oil and their lamps were empty. With empty lamps they could not join the wedding party so they begged for oil from the wise virgins who had purchased extra just in case the Bridegroom was delayed. The wise had a fiduciary responsibility to the Bridegroom to light the way for his coming, and they had none to share if they were to do their job. No doubt there will be a Remnant Seed alive and ready to participate in the Last Day Revival. The question is: will that be you or someone else? Regardless of how others see it, I know what God gave me thirty years ago, and I will be ready even if, like Noah I’m the only one on my block with an Ark!

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