Fourteenth Edition

In the last edition, I told you that I would expose why European countries were dropping out of the European Union, changing their financial structure away from the Euro-dollar and returning back to their original currency. To the unobservant, it might look like a coincidence that Greece is being destroyed by bankruptcy; France is having riots in the streets because the “national system” can’t support the entitlement society they created; and the satellite countries of the “Late Soviet Union” are ripping each other apart in one of the largest conspiracies of genocide since the Third Reich thundered across Europe, killing and pillaging without discrimination. Asia has not escaped this black reaper either. The once proud and exalted Japan is barely holding its society together with over extended loans and an even cheaper paper currency. In South America, the once proud and prosperous oil rich countries are crumbling beneath the corruption and chaos to which their despicable government officials have subjected their citizens. Grocery stores that a year ago were overflowing with vegetables, bread and meats are now just old buildings with empty racks that look like the blackened skeleton out of some morbid horror movie. Women get up early to stand in line for hours looking for bread to feed their families, and if by some chance of fate there is a loaf of bread to be had, they wrestle and squabble like a pair of cage fighters for it. In great countries like Brazil and Argentina, the proud and colorful people have seen their currency deemed literally worthless overnight. I happened to be in Rio de Janeiro when the government declared the current currency devalued, and those that went to sleep one night worth millions awoke the next morning broke. Walking through the streets, I saw people moving about in a stupor almost smothered with emotional fear that hung over the country like a suffocating blanket. I saw large denomination currency bills blowing in the gutters – currency that one day earlier people would have fought over was now being tossed by the wind, and not one person would even stop and pick them up. Mexico has become the deadliest battleground in the world with more drug related fatalities and atrocities than the war torn cities of Kabul or Baghdad in the Middle East. The ranchers and citizens along the Southern borders of the United States are afraid to walk the streets of the cities in which they were born. I have talked to ranchers who are selling their legacies for pennies on the dollar; ranches their great grand-fathers settled and held for decades are being overrun by illegal immigrants. Their fences are being cut; their cattle killed and their buildings burned by drug cartels and human traffickers that roam the border after dark.

What does this have to do with European countries, the Euro-dollar and the EU? EVERYTHING!! When you look at the conflict and travesty around the world you see the similarity on both sides of the pond. Europe embraced a common currency, a national entitlement program, government run health programs, cultural sovereignty and open borders between countries. All of this looked good on paper, and the rhetoric sounded good reverberating across the globe. It made even the most conservative patriot stop and give this New World Order a second look.

The only problem is that it was much easier to say and dream about than it was to do. Once mighty empires, they are now being forced to kneel before strangers who determine the value of this strange currency that is now the life blood of the continent. These strangers moved through shadowy mirages, confusing the multitudes that had once followed the clarion voices of leaders, now silenced by this New World Order. With no borders, uncontrolled economy, faceless leaders and their tried and true cultures now in shambles, the system that had brought stability for centuries was falling apart around them. Terrorists were crossing and crisscrossing the continent without fear of reprisal. The New World currency they had been told would level the economic playing field in Europe was failing. The entitlement programs that were purported to give everyone their fair share was bankrupting the continent. Politicians that tied their future to this New World Order found themselves nothing more than puppets for this mystical, faceless group of power brokers that silently wrested control of Europe’s oldest dynasties.

Now we see their extreme effort to get back to basics is “too little too late.” The once indestructible British Sterling that the rest of the world was judged by has been weakened by the Euro to the point that it cannot recover in this decade. Even as we watch the European countries struggle to tear themselves from the clutches of The New World Order, we see a globally inspired liberal party spend billions of dollars trying to destroy the constitution of the United States by changing the balance of power.

In the next Edition, I want to reveal some of the insights God has given to me about the up coming battle for the White House. I will also share some of the things Allen Greenspan talked with me about in 2005 after I met with the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee at the United Nations in New York City.

Because this is a blog format, please feel free to ask any questions that are pertinent to the theme we are discussing. I only ask that you maintain the spirit we are trying to portray.

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