Fifteenth Edition 

In Edition Fourteen, I started exposing why the United Kingdom and some of her Allies are dropping out of the European Union. I hope you are sincere about your thirst for truth, because I have seen even the strong shake their head and walk away talking to themselves after being exposed to these facts. What you will read here is not going to be in the headlines of the Washington Post, The New York Times or Dallas Morning News, but they are facts just the same.

To start with, let me enlighten you with a few new “code words” developed to make the transformation less distasteful to the public. The first is, Brexit (British Exit Movement from the E.U.). The next is Grexit (Greek Exit Movement from the E.U.); Frexitt (France Exit Movement), and Italexit (Italy Exit Movement). We will see more countries follow suit, but it is too much too late to change the ebb and flow of destiny.     

Why are these major countries severing relations from the E.U. when it was touted as the “Great Hope” to save the world by establishing the New World Order? I think the answer is simple if you have been listening to the prophets. If not, please allow me to help you understand the plot that is being activated in an effort to shift control of our world. The E.U. came rolling in with the Euro Dollar, a new innovative currency that would supposedly create market equality throughout Europe and negate tariffs throughout the world. What they didn’t tell the participants is that by joining the E.U., they surrendered the futures of their children and the security of their nations to a clandestine group of central bankers with unfettered power to print currency, alter interest rates and buy politicians at will. Politicians who, for a few minutes of fame and future monetary benefits, will do their beck and call conveying the sovereignty of their nations to faceless power mongrels.

In order for a country to be a member of the E.U., they have to allow open borders to any and all immigrants. They have to allow cultural communities within their borders (communities that rule themselves outside of the national law, like the ones in U.K.) where Sharia Law dominates. In these communities, local and national authorities are not allowed to maintain the national law nor oversee elections. I have talked to agents from Scotland Yard who have been forbidden by the House of Commons to enforce the laws of their nation in these immigrant communities. They could not investigate the murder and abuse of young women who embraced their families under Sharia Law. The U.K. banking system had no control over Islamic banking institutions, and if officers of the law traveled inside the communities, they did so at risk to their lives. Furthermore, these E.U. participants must honor Middle Eastern energy and financial agreements agreed to under Sharia Law, regardless of the effect it might have on their nation. As a point of interest, under Sharia Law, Muslims are forbidden to charge interest to another Muslim individual or Muslim owned company.

The E.U. now mandates that their affiliates hold elections according to the dictates of the European Union. In many cases, these dictates favor foreign immigrants and gives them the right to hold and establish offices not available to citizens of the host country. We are beginning to see laws being passed by these immigrants that are anti-Christian and anti-Democratic in nature. The E.U. also mandates that host countries submit control of their military to the United Nations. Seeing their countries becoming foreign entities, the United Kingdom, Greece, France and others seceded from the E.U.

For those of you who say, “How does this affect the United States?” Please remember when President Bill Clinton jumped the gun in an effort to establish One World Order. He tried to issue an executive order that would turn all our troops in the field of battle over to United Nations general officers. Only when General Schwarzkoph threatened to resign in protest was that order rescinded.

The astute observer will remember that while Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton and President Obama tried to actuate the United Nations Small Arms Law in America to circumvent our constitution and make us comply with current European laws. They even tried to scare the American public into accepting a change in our constitution by hinting that some countries would cut trade with America if we continued down this path of (as President Obama so self righteously proclaimed) clinging to our God and Guns. Hillary Clinton even insinuated that under predetermined situations citizens of the United States could be tried in the World Court for murder if they used deadly force while protecting their family or homeland. In an effort to obtain favor abroad, she and President Obama have continued their attack against our Second Amendment rights to bear arms. Here is where I must remind you that the Second Amendment was placed in the constitution so the citizens would have the ability to defend themselves against foreign or domestic intruders. Key Word: Defend ourselves.

I’ll get back to the United States and the quandary in which we find ourselves in a bit, but for now lets concentrate on the countries exiting the E.U. Only after the United Kingdom was facing bankruptcy from the economic burden of providing housing, education and medical aid for the tens of thousands of Islamic immigrants, did they realize they had to do something and do it quickly. When they were being forced by the E.U. to change the very fabric of their nation, they realized that their country was being systematically forced into a financial and political disaster. Even though their coveted “British Sterling” was faltering under the impact of the Euro Dollar and trade agreements that had been in affect for centuries were being abolished, no one in power in the United Kingdom spoke out to defend their culture and economic stability.

You may ask, why was the whole of Europe neutered by the E.U. and why did the British Prime Minister resign when the people demanded an election to determine the future of Great Britain? Interesting question! I will address this in Edition Sixteen.

Topics I will cover in Edition Sixteen:

  1. Why did Great Britain surrender to the E.U.
  2. Why are the terrorist attacks centered around the countries that have exited or want to exit the E.U.?
  3. Why are Quantitative Easing Investments by the Bank of England, The Bank of Japan and The Federal Reserve changing the balance of power?
  4. Why is China purchasing all the gold, silver and oil reserves they can?
  5. Why did the Secretary of State Clinton negotiate to sell Russia 56% of the Uranium in the United States.
  6. Who are the Central Bankers and what do they do?
  7. How will “QUANTITATIVE EASING” destroy the U.S. economy? 

One response to “Fifteenth Edition 

  1. We see the evil Hillary and company want to do to our country that has been weakened under Obama without hindrance from our Congress. Is there hope for those of us who still want to save our nation, and wish to turn our people back to the laws and values upon which this nation was founded? Obama has far exceeded his intention to circumvent our Constitution, pit young against old, rich against poor, black against white as well as ignoring the RULE OF LAW. This darkness is suffocating our nation. It has caused many to turn back to God, but there are so many who have not. What else can we do?


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