Sixteenth Edition

In Edition Fifteen, we started to discuss why European Countries joined the European Common Market (Eurozone) and submitted their laws and economy to faceless, phantom rulers with unlimited powers. To those who have never been exposed to the total devastation that rained down on Europe during World War II, it is impossible to describe the physical and moral decay these proud and majestic countries suffered. Colossal structures built by the architectural masters of an evolving world that had survived centuries of culture and custom were suddenly and totally destroyed by a mad man. Hitler gave no thought to life, morality or simple human dignity. Men, women and children all suffered equally at his hand. In all humanity, never had the world witnessed such wanton destruction. Children, ten and under, were handed weapons and trained to kill; old men ceased to be craftsmen and became technicians of death; thirteen year old girls, who one year earlier were playing with dolls, were raped and had their wombs used to repopulate a depleted German Army.

Day by day, for years, Europe was systematically maligned and pillaged by German SS troops. The majority of the nations of the world once given to peace now fought for their lives against specially trained units, led by men hand picked by this satanic inspired hierarchy. Churches were desecrated, religious historical documents confiscated, books and copies of the classics were burned in century old universities; genealogy records, birth certificates and property titles were systematically blown up in courthouses across Old World capitals from the Alps to Algiers; national bibles were destroyed, priceless pieces of art disappeared, and religious artifacts were replaced by sadistic symbols.

The wholesale slaughter of the nation that bore the bloodline of Christ was labeled “The Final Solution.” Embraced by a six nation axis, Hitler and the leaders of this sadistic occult used the council of war to purge six million Jews from the face of the earth. Backed by the Catholic church and ultra wealthy Globalists, Hitler amassed fortunes and built political backing that are still impacting the world today. With unlimited power and total control, the Third Reich participated in nation building and central banking practices that birthed the seed of the Globalist movement.

After years of wanton destruction and bloodletting, World War II was finally over and the arduous task of rebuilding consumed all of Europe. I know that just about now some of you are thinking that you didn’t sign up for a World History class, but in order to understand where we are and where we are going you have to know where we have been.

The Bible is very clear that in order to set up the last days and the return of Christ, the Anti-Christ has to establish a One World Government and a One World Currency. The perfect solution that the Anti-Christ has devised to put his plan in place is a world without borders, an international currency honored by all and a government that will rule all mankind through a religion to which all bastions of faith kneel. It is clear to those who have spiritual insight that this election is one of the most important events that has faced the world in the last two thousand years. If the Clinton campaign has its way, not only will they delete our borders and devalue our currency, but they will put Supreme Court Justices in place that will destroy our constitution, negate our religious privileges and throw us back into the dark ages.

In preparation for this spiritual attack, the schematics for the overthrow of mankind was already being formulated by a group dedicated to the Globalist mentality. After WWII, the Globalists were trying to destroy borders, consolidate currency and centralize government. In the postwar environment, the Globalists fanned the flames of fear and promoted apocalyptic visions of a Third World Nuclear War. In the midst of the death and destruction left by WWII, they seized the opportunity to create the United Nations and NATO, backed by men like Saul Alinsky, the Rockefellers, George Soros and wealthy Globalists worldwide. The march toward world dominance had started.

From this copulation of wealth, power and satanic intervention, we witnessed the birth of the the Euro Dollar, One World Common Market, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the North American Union (NAU) and the Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The SPP was signed into law March 23, 2005, and is fundamentally an agreement to erase our borders between Mexico and Canada. The U.S. department of Transportation is using the SPP to develop working groups to organize a Trilateral Memoranda of understanding below the radar of the mainstream media attention, thereby avoiding public scrutiny.

Most members of Congress will not admit they are aware of this program or other parallel programs. The existence of other clandestine programs that are currently being passed through our executive branch of government by the Congress are using plausible deniability as an excuse to allow this cancer of Globalism to corrupt the foundation of our democracy.Throughout Europe, parallel groups like this are being cultivated in countries from Britain to Yugoslavia in an effort to dissolve established borders and overthrow century old governments.

Now after six decades, we see that the Globalist ideology that was purported as being the answer to rebuilding post WWII was a diabolical plot to set in motion a One World Community that would allow the ushering in of the rule of the Anti-Christ. The citizens of Europe now see that instead of rebuilding their nations, these once proud, regal and structured monarchies are staggering under the heavy handed insensitive control of Global “Euro-Masters.” Their borders have been compromised; their economy is struggling; and their entitlement programs are cratering.

As other countries were crumbling, Britain boldly stepped forward and realized the only way for their cherished British Legacy to survive was to either submit total control of their country to the European Common Market or secede. Fortunately, when the House of Commons was presented with the article of secession, even though the Globalists fought it to the bitter end, the populace vote finally won out.

The question now: is it too little too late? Great Britain is overrun with Syrian immigrants; their entitlement housing programs are overwhelmed; their health care programs are bankrupt, and the pension programs are having to be restructured. With major benefits gutted and more and more Baby Boomers retiring, the once proud nation that had stood so strong for millenniums now has been reduced to a sagging, stumbling disaster, and the programs established to take care of natural born citizens are total failures. In the midst of all these failed programs, senior citizens and those with major health problems have nowhere to turn.

In Edition Seventeen, we will look across Europe and see all the other participants in this Euro-Tragedy fall apart as it is slowly disassembled by this Globalist cancer. We also will clarify how America is following in their footsteps as the Globalists use racial division, political treachery and financial manipulation to systematically shred our country. I will step out on a limb and expose the corruption interlaced in the political parties fighting to fill the most powerful seat in the world. The next president of the United States can very easily be the person who ushers in the Anti-Christ or the person who postpones the inevitable, giving the church world more time to prepare.

One response to “Sixteenth Edition

  1. I am going out on a limb here and predicting Donald Trump will win the Presidency of the United States. This will thwart the globalists’ plans for quickly ushering in the New World Order for a time. This will give Christians more badly needed time to get the Word out to a hungry, younger population that has turned away from God and the one true path to an eternity with the Father. Our churches have had more success across the world getting His Word out to the masses. Now it is time to prepare our nation and the failing nations of Europe for the Second Coming of Christ


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