Edition Seventeen 


Since I posted Edition Sixteen, I pulled back and watched as America has experienced a cataclysmic event that has caused grown men’s eyes to fill with tears; it has brought shrieks of anger from the lips of women who normally are given to singing lullabies to sweet powdered bundles of joy, and it has caused America’s privileged scholastic generation to hide in dark corners and tremble with fear. These liberal crybabies cannot sit in the classrooms of sacred edifices of higher learning and concentrate on regurgitating nuggets of half truths from trembling professors. God forbid they are asked to muddle through the panic that is sweeping the central plains of America and get a grip on their shattered emotions.

What is this national disaster that has swaddled America in desperation and brought the greatest nation in the world to its knees? It is very simple. The American people did not just speak their minds; they screamed their frustration, and in an overwhelming act of solidarity against corruption and untruthfulness, they elected Donald J. Trump the President of the United States. 

Liberal globalists around the world are literally swaying in shock and spewing verbal accusations of political theft and corruption. Without hesitation, crowds of immature, jilted, self-serving liberals cannot accept that their candidate lost, so they do the only thing they have done for decades. When they don’t get their way they pout, scream and destroy someone else’s property. Why is it when liberals don’t get their way they lie, defame those they don’t endorse or refuse to accept our Constitution’s solution of governing?

The previous administration ran on the premise that Mr. Obama was a black man, but in reality he was bi-racial. He was just as white as he was black, but if anyone didn’t submit to his plan to destroy America they were called racist by the elite media. Even now when the current administration is trying to undo some of the gross mistakes made in the last eight years, all the opposition can think to lash out with is that our new president is racist and rich. We saw what happened when a poor community organizer was elected, and that didn’t work out very well for us.

My goal is not to promote either party or point out the differences between liberals and conservatives. Rather, I want to emphasize that with all the confusion, fear and infighting going on globally, the Church needs to be preparing for what the Bible states is clearly on the horizon. Matthew 24 mandates that these things MUST come to pass and that only those who are prepared will make it until the end.

We must resist the temptation to get caught up in the politics of our day and simply use it as a thermometer of God’s time table. Confusion and distraction are two of Satan’s most effective tools that he uses against the Church.

The infighting we are witnessing is not the Democratics vs Republications or the “Right vs Left.” It goes much deeper than that and is more diabolical than most normal people can accept. The public battle being fought in the press is just a front that is designed to divide America and bring chaos to the masses. We have discussed globalists and constitutionalists many times, and some of you have a vague idea of the true meaning of those terms but let me take a few minutes and elaborate on the true meaning of the terms.

A globalist is an individual, or group of individuals, who is trying through any means at their disposal to develop a global entity designed to overthrow America or any other democracy that can be considered a nation of laws. When the Bible speaks of the Anti-Christ, the first thing that jumps out at me is the description of his mission statement: to bring the entire world under one government, one currency and one religious leader that can be ruled from one location. That, by definition, is exactly what a globalist is and what we are seeing rising to dominance in American politics. 

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been promoting this mindset for decades, going back to the early years of his administration, exemplified by his dogged determination to put American troops under the command of U.N. officers in troubled areas around the world. If you are a student of history, you will remember that when he attempted to enact that by Executive order, several of the generals under his administration abruptly resigned in protest. Hillary has, on occasion, tried to adopt U.N. resolutions to destroy the Second Amendment of the Constitution and take weapons away from American patriots, sighting that everyone in the United Nations Alliance has banned guns from their constituents and made it a crime to have a gun in their possession.

Going further in the dogma of the Anti-Christ, the Clintons and others of like persuasion have built resistance groups whose only goals are to destroy the very essence of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence by turning America over to European ruled conglomerates.

When Barrack Obama was in office, he made it very clear who his allegiance was to when he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and gave his loyalty to the Arab declared “Caliphate.” At this time, he and Hillary supported the “Arab Spring,” and without thought or concern of the danger they were putting our troops and our country in, they stood by and watched Al Qaeda morph into ISIS and then allowed them to slaughter Christians by the thousands and innocents by the scores world wide.

Obama wouldn’t then, and has not to this day, used the words terrorists and Islamic together. Even though he says he is a Christian, he was the only American president to allow designated prayer areas for Islamics to pray in while at the White House. At the same time Obama was banning Christian prayers, not only in the White House, but nation wide calling Christian prayers offensive. Actions speak so much louder than words.

I will pause here, but in the next Edition I will explain why the Quran is the blueprint for the Anti-Christ and why Jehovah and Allah are not the same. I will show you how the democrats’ investigation into our election is just a “Slight of Hand” distraction to hide what really happened that caused the death of the young male DNC employee just before the WikiLeaks fiasco. 

That and many more things to come.                    

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