Edition Seventeen 


Since I posted Edition Sixteen, I pulled back and watched as America has experienced a cataclysmic event that has caused grown men’s eyes to fill with tears; it has brought shrieks of anger from the lips of women who normally are given to singing lullabies to sweet powdered bundles of joy, and it has caused America’s privileged scholastic generation to hide in dark corners and tremble with fear. These liberal crybabies cannot sit in the classrooms of sacred edifices of higher learning and concentrate on regurgitating nuggets of half truths from trembling professors. God forbid they are asked to muddle through the panic that is sweeping the central plains of America and get a grip on their shattered emotions.

What is this national disaster that has swaddled America in desperation and brought the greatest nation in the world to its knees? It is very simple. The American people did not just speak their minds; they screamed their frustration, and in an overwhelming act of solidarity against corruption and untruthfulness, they elected Donald J. Trump the President of the United States. 

Liberal globalists around the world are literally swaying in shock and spewing verbal accusations of political theft and corruption. Without hesitation, crowds of immature, jilted, self-serving liberals cannot accept that their candidate lost, so they do the only thing they have done for decades. When they don’t get their way they pout, scream and destroy someone else’s property. Why is it when liberals don’t get their way they lie, defame those they don’t endorse or refuse to accept our Constitution’s solution of governing?

The previous administration ran on the premise that Mr. Obama was a black man, but in reality he was bi-racial. He was just as white as he was black, but if anyone didn’t submit to his plan to destroy America they were called racist by the elite media. Even now when the current administration is trying to undo some of the gross mistakes made in the last eight years, all the opposition can think to lash out with is that our new president is racist and rich. We saw what happened when a poor community organizer was elected, and that didn’t work out very well for us.

My goal is not to promote either party or point out the differences between liberals and conservatives. Rather, I want to emphasize that with all the confusion, fear and infighting going on globally, the Church needs to be preparing for what the Bible states is clearly on the horizon. Matthew 24 mandates that these things MUST come to pass and that only those who are prepared will make it until the end.

We must resist the temptation to get caught up in the politics of our day and simply use it as a thermometer of God’s time table. Confusion and distraction are two of Satan’s most effective tools that he uses against the Church.

The infighting we are witnessing is not the Democratics vs Republications or the “Right vs Left.” It goes much deeper than that and is more diabolical than most normal people can accept. The public battle being fought in the press is just a front that is designed to divide America and bring chaos to the masses. We have discussed globalists and constitutionalists many times, and some of you have a vague idea of the true meaning of those terms but let me take a few minutes and elaborate on the true meaning of the terms.

A globalist is an individual, or group of individuals, who is trying through any means at their disposal to develop a global entity designed to overthrow America or any other democracy that can be considered a nation of laws. When the Bible speaks of the Anti-Christ, the first thing that jumps out at me is the description of his mission statement: to bring the entire world under one government, one currency and one religious leader that can be ruled from one location. That, by definition, is exactly what a globalist is and what we are seeing rising to dominance in American politics. 

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been promoting this mindset for decades, going back to the early years of his administration, exemplified by his dogged determination to put American troops under the command of U.N. officers in troubled areas around the world. If you are a student of history, you will remember that when he attempted to enact that by Executive order, several of the generals under his administration abruptly resigned in protest. Hillary has, on occasion, tried to adopt U.N. resolutions to destroy the Second Amendment of the Constitution and take weapons away from American patriots, sighting that everyone in the United Nations Alliance has banned guns from their constituents and made it a crime to have a gun in their possession.

Going further in the dogma of the Anti-Christ, the Clintons and others of like persuasion have built resistance groups whose only goals are to destroy the very essence of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence by turning America over to European ruled conglomerates.

When Barrack Obama was in office, he made it very clear who his allegiance was to when he bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia and gave his loyalty to the Arab declared “Caliphate.” At this time, he and Hillary supported the “Arab Spring,” and without thought or concern of the danger they were putting our troops and our country in, they stood by and watched Al Qaeda morph into ISIS and then allowed them to slaughter Christians by the thousands and innocents by the scores world wide.

Obama wouldn’t then, and has not to this day, used the words terrorists and Islamic together. Even though he says he is a Christian, he was the only American president to allow designated prayer areas for Islamics to pray in while at the White House. At the same time Obama was banning Christian prayers, not only in the White House, but nation wide calling Christian prayers offensive. Actions speak so much louder than words.

I will pause here, but in the next Edition I will explain why the Quran is the blueprint for the Anti-Christ and why Jehovah and Allah are not the same. I will show you how the democrats’ investigation into our election is just a “Slight of Hand” distraction to hide what really happened that caused the death of the young male DNC employee just before the WikiLeaks fiasco. 

That and many more things to come.                    

Sixteenth Edition

In Edition Fifteen, we started to discuss why European Countries joined the European Common Market (Eurozone) and submitted their laws and economy to faceless, phantom rulers with unlimited powers. To those who have never been exposed to the total devastation that rained down on Europe during World War II, it is impossible to describe the physical and moral decay these proud and majestic countries suffered. Colossal structures built by the architectural masters of an evolving world that had survived centuries of culture and custom were suddenly and totally destroyed by a mad man. Hitler gave no thought to life, morality or simple human dignity. Men, women and children all suffered equally at his hand. In all humanity, never had the world witnessed such wanton destruction. Children, ten and under, were handed weapons and trained to kill; old men ceased to be craftsmen and became technicians of death; thirteen year old girls, who one year earlier were playing with dolls, were raped and had their wombs used to repopulate a depleted German Army.

Day by day, for years, Europe was systematically maligned and pillaged by German SS troops. The majority of the nations of the world once given to peace now fought for their lives against specially trained units, led by men hand picked by this satanic inspired hierarchy. Churches were desecrated, religious historical documents confiscated, books and copies of the classics were burned in century old universities; genealogy records, birth certificates and property titles were systematically blown up in courthouses across Old World capitals from the Alps to Algiers; national bibles were destroyed, priceless pieces of art disappeared, and religious artifacts were replaced by sadistic symbols.

The wholesale slaughter of the nation that bore the bloodline of Christ was labeled “The Final Solution.” Embraced by a six nation axis, Hitler and the leaders of this sadistic occult used the council of war to purge six million Jews from the face of the earth. Backed by the Catholic church and ultra wealthy Globalists, Hitler amassed fortunes and built political backing that are still impacting the world today. With unlimited power and total control, the Third Reich participated in nation building and central banking practices that birthed the seed of the Globalist movement.

After years of wanton destruction and bloodletting, World War II was finally over and the arduous task of rebuilding consumed all of Europe. I know that just about now some of you are thinking that you didn’t sign up for a World History class, but in order to understand where we are and where we are going you have to know where we have been.

The Bible is very clear that in order to set up the last days and the return of Christ, the Anti-Christ has to establish a One World Government and a One World Currency. The perfect solution that the Anti-Christ has devised to put his plan in place is a world without borders, an international currency honored by all and a government that will rule all mankind through a religion to which all bastions of faith kneel. It is clear to those who have spiritual insight that this election is one of the most important events that has faced the world in the last two thousand years. If the Clinton campaign has its way, not only will they delete our borders and devalue our currency, but they will put Supreme Court Justices in place that will destroy our constitution, negate our religious privileges and throw us back into the dark ages.

In preparation for this spiritual attack, the schematics for the overthrow of mankind was already being formulated by a group dedicated to the Globalist mentality. After WWII, the Globalists were trying to destroy borders, consolidate currency and centralize government. In the postwar environment, the Globalists fanned the flames of fear and promoted apocalyptic visions of a Third World Nuclear War. In the midst of the death and destruction left by WWII, they seized the opportunity to create the United Nations and NATO, backed by men like Saul Alinsky, the Rockefellers, George Soros and wealthy Globalists worldwide. The march toward world dominance had started.

From this copulation of wealth, power and satanic intervention, we witnessed the birth of the the Euro Dollar, One World Common Market, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the North American Union (NAU) and the Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP). The SPP was signed into law March 23, 2005, and is fundamentally an agreement to erase our borders between Mexico and Canada. The U.S. department of Transportation is using the SPP to develop working groups to organize a Trilateral Memoranda of understanding below the radar of the mainstream media attention, thereby avoiding public scrutiny.

Most members of Congress will not admit they are aware of this program or other parallel programs. The existence of other clandestine programs that are currently being passed through our executive branch of government by the Congress are using plausible deniability as an excuse to allow this cancer of Globalism to corrupt the foundation of our democracy.Throughout Europe, parallel groups like this are being cultivated in countries from Britain to Yugoslavia in an effort to dissolve established borders and overthrow century old governments.

Now after six decades, we see that the Globalist ideology that was purported as being the answer to rebuilding post WWII was a diabolical plot to set in motion a One World Community that would allow the ushering in of the rule of the Anti-Christ. The citizens of Europe now see that instead of rebuilding their nations, these once proud, regal and structured monarchies are staggering under the heavy handed insensitive control of Global “Euro-Masters.” Their borders have been compromised; their economy is struggling; and their entitlement programs are cratering.

As other countries were crumbling, Britain boldly stepped forward and realized the only way for their cherished British Legacy to survive was to either submit total control of their country to the European Common Market or secede. Fortunately, when the House of Commons was presented with the article of secession, even though the Globalists fought it to the bitter end, the populace vote finally won out.

The question now: is it too little too late? Great Britain is overrun with Syrian immigrants; their entitlement housing programs are overwhelmed; their health care programs are bankrupt, and the pension programs are having to be restructured. With major benefits gutted and more and more Baby Boomers retiring, the once proud nation that had stood so strong for millenniums now has been reduced to a sagging, stumbling disaster, and the programs established to take care of natural born citizens are total failures. In the midst of all these failed programs, senior citizens and those with major health problems have nowhere to turn.

In Edition Seventeen, we will look across Europe and see all the other participants in this Euro-Tragedy fall apart as it is slowly disassembled by this Globalist cancer. We also will clarify how America is following in their footsteps as the Globalists use racial division, political treachery and financial manipulation to systematically shred our country. I will step out on a limb and expose the corruption interlaced in the political parties fighting to fill the most powerful seat in the world. The next president of the United States can very easily be the person who ushers in the Anti-Christ or the person who postpones the inevitable, giving the church world more time to prepare.

Fifteenth Edition 

In Edition Fourteen, I started exposing why the United Kingdom and some of her Allies are dropping out of the European Union. I hope you are sincere about your thirst for truth, because I have seen even the strong shake their head and walk away talking to themselves after being exposed to these facts. What you will read here is not going to be in the headlines of the Washington Post, The New York Times or Dallas Morning News, but they are facts just the same.

To start with, let me enlighten you with a few new “code words” developed to make the transformation less distasteful to the public. The first is, Brexit (British Exit Movement from the E.U.). The next is Grexit (Greek Exit Movement from the E.U.); Frexitt (France Exit Movement), and Italexit (Italy Exit Movement). We will see more countries follow suit, but it is too much too late to change the ebb and flow of destiny.     

Why are these major countries severing relations from the E.U. when it was touted as the “Great Hope” to save the world by establishing the New World Order? I think the answer is simple if you have been listening to the prophets. If not, please allow me to help you understand the plot that is being activated in an effort to shift control of our world. The E.U. came rolling in with the Euro Dollar, a new innovative currency that would supposedly create market equality throughout Europe and negate tariffs throughout the world. What they didn’t tell the participants is that by joining the E.U., they surrendered the futures of their children and the security of their nations to a clandestine group of central bankers with unfettered power to print currency, alter interest rates and buy politicians at will. Politicians who, for a few minutes of fame and future monetary benefits, will do their beck and call conveying the sovereignty of their nations to faceless power mongrels.

In order for a country to be a member of the E.U., they have to allow open borders to any and all immigrants. They have to allow cultural communities within their borders (communities that rule themselves outside of the national law, like the ones in U.K.) where Sharia Law dominates. In these communities, local and national authorities are not allowed to maintain the national law nor oversee elections. I have talked to agents from Scotland Yard who have been forbidden by the House of Commons to enforce the laws of their nation in these immigrant communities. They could not investigate the murder and abuse of young women who embraced their families under Sharia Law. The U.K. banking system had no control over Islamic banking institutions, and if officers of the law traveled inside the communities, they did so at risk to their lives. Furthermore, these E.U. participants must honor Middle Eastern energy and financial agreements agreed to under Sharia Law, regardless of the effect it might have on their nation. As a point of interest, under Sharia Law, Muslims are forbidden to charge interest to another Muslim individual or Muslim owned company.

The E.U. now mandates that their affiliates hold elections according to the dictates of the European Union. In many cases, these dictates favor foreign immigrants and gives them the right to hold and establish offices not available to citizens of the host country. We are beginning to see laws being passed by these immigrants that are anti-Christian and anti-Democratic in nature. The E.U. also mandates that host countries submit control of their military to the United Nations. Seeing their countries becoming foreign entities, the United Kingdom, Greece, France and others seceded from the E.U.

For those of you who say, “How does this affect the United States?” Please remember when President Bill Clinton jumped the gun in an effort to establish One World Order. He tried to issue an executive order that would turn all our troops in the field of battle over to United Nations general officers. Only when General Schwarzkoph threatened to resign in protest was that order rescinded.

The astute observer will remember that while Secretary of State, Mrs. Clinton and President Obama tried to actuate the United Nations Small Arms Law in America to circumvent our constitution and make us comply with current European laws. They even tried to scare the American public into accepting a change in our constitution by hinting that some countries would cut trade with America if we continued down this path of (as President Obama so self righteously proclaimed) clinging to our God and Guns. Hillary Clinton even insinuated that under predetermined situations citizens of the United States could be tried in the World Court for murder if they used deadly force while protecting their family or homeland. In an effort to obtain favor abroad, she and President Obama have continued their attack against our Second Amendment rights to bear arms. Here is where I must remind you that the Second Amendment was placed in the constitution so the citizens would have the ability to defend themselves against foreign or domestic intruders. Key Word: Defend ourselves.

I’ll get back to the United States and the quandary in which we find ourselves in a bit, but for now lets concentrate on the countries exiting the E.U. Only after the United Kingdom was facing bankruptcy from the economic burden of providing housing, education and medical aid for the tens of thousands of Islamic immigrants, did they realize they had to do something and do it quickly. When they were being forced by the E.U. to change the very fabric of their nation, they realized that their country was being systematically forced into a financial and political disaster. Even though their coveted “British Sterling” was faltering under the impact of the Euro Dollar and trade agreements that had been in affect for centuries were being abolished, no one in power in the United Kingdom spoke out to defend their culture and economic stability.

You may ask, why was the whole of Europe neutered by the E.U. and why did the British Prime Minister resign when the people demanded an election to determine the future of Great Britain? Interesting question! I will address this in Edition Sixteen.

Topics I will cover in Edition Sixteen:

  1. Why did Great Britain surrender to the E.U.
  2. Why are the terrorist attacks centered around the countries that have exited or want to exit the E.U.?
  3. Why are Quantitative Easing Investments by the Bank of England, The Bank of Japan and The Federal Reserve changing the balance of power?
  4. Why is China purchasing all the gold, silver and oil reserves they can?
  5. Why did the Secretary of State Clinton negotiate to sell Russia 56% of the Uranium in the United States.
  6. Who are the Central Bankers and what do they do?
  7. How will “QUANTITATIVE EASING” destroy the U.S. economy? 

Fourteenth Edition

In the last edition, I told you that I would expose why European countries were dropping out of the European Union, changing their financial structure away from the Euro-dollar and returning back to their original currency. To the unobservant, it might look like a coincidence that Greece is being destroyed by bankruptcy; France is having riots in the streets because the “national system” can’t support the entitlement society they created; and the satellite countries of the “Late Soviet Union” are ripping each other apart in one of the largest conspiracies of genocide since the Third Reich thundered across Europe, killing and pillaging without discrimination. Asia has not escaped this black reaper either. The once proud and exalted Japan is barely holding its society together with over extended loans and an even cheaper paper currency. In South America, the once proud and prosperous oil rich countries are crumbling beneath the corruption and chaos to which their despicable government officials have subjected their citizens. Grocery stores that a year ago were overflowing with vegetables, bread and meats are now just old buildings with empty racks that look like the blackened skeleton out of some morbid horror movie. Women get up early to stand in line for hours looking for bread to feed their families, and if by some chance of fate there is a loaf of bread to be had, they wrestle and squabble like a pair of cage fighters for it. In great countries like Brazil and Argentina, the proud and colorful people have seen their currency deemed literally worthless overnight. I happened to be in Rio de Janeiro when the government declared the current currency devalued, and those that went to sleep one night worth millions awoke the next morning broke. Walking through the streets, I saw people moving about in a stupor almost smothered with emotional fear that hung over the country like a suffocating blanket. I saw large denomination currency bills blowing in the gutters – currency that one day earlier people would have fought over was now being tossed by the wind, and not one person would even stop and pick them up. Mexico has become the deadliest battleground in the world with more drug related fatalities and atrocities than the war torn cities of Kabul or Baghdad in the Middle East. The ranchers and citizens along the Southern borders of the United States are afraid to walk the streets of the cities in which they were born. I have talked to ranchers who are selling their legacies for pennies on the dollar; ranches their great grand-fathers settled and held for decades are being overrun by illegal immigrants. Their fences are being cut; their cattle killed and their buildings burned by drug cartels and human traffickers that roam the border after dark.

What does this have to do with European countries, the Euro-dollar and the EU? EVERYTHING!! When you look at the conflict and travesty around the world you see the similarity on both sides of the pond. Europe embraced a common currency, a national entitlement program, government run health programs, cultural sovereignty and open borders between countries. All of this looked good on paper, and the rhetoric sounded good reverberating across the globe. It made even the most conservative patriot stop and give this New World Order a second look.

The only problem is that it was much easier to say and dream about than it was to do. Once mighty empires, they are now being forced to kneel before strangers who determine the value of this strange currency that is now the life blood of the continent. These strangers moved through shadowy mirages, confusing the multitudes that had once followed the clarion voices of leaders, now silenced by this New World Order. With no borders, uncontrolled economy, faceless leaders and their tried and true cultures now in shambles, the system that had brought stability for centuries was falling apart around them. Terrorists were crossing and crisscrossing the continent without fear of reprisal. The New World currency they had been told would level the economic playing field in Europe was failing. The entitlement programs that were purported to give everyone their fair share was bankrupting the continent. Politicians that tied their future to this New World Order found themselves nothing more than puppets for this mystical, faceless group of power brokers that silently wrested control of Europe’s oldest dynasties.

Now we see their extreme effort to get back to basics is “too little too late.” The once indestructible British Sterling that the rest of the world was judged by has been weakened by the Euro to the point that it cannot recover in this decade. Even as we watch the European countries struggle to tear themselves from the clutches of The New World Order, we see a globally inspired liberal party spend billions of dollars trying to destroy the constitution of the United States by changing the balance of power.

In the next Edition, I want to reveal some of the insights God has given to me about the up coming battle for the White House. I will also share some of the things Allen Greenspan talked with me about in 2005 after I met with the Chairman of the Human Rights Committee at the United Nations in New York City.

Because this is a blog format, please feel free to ask any questions that are pertinent to the theme we are discussing. I only ask that you maintain the spirit we are trying to portray.

Thirteenth Edition

I told you in Edition Eleven I was going to tell you how the government will control and silence our pulpits. What you will read below is fact, not fiction, so read at your own risk.

For twenty years, I have advised pastors and evangelists that if they used a 501(c)(3) to incorporate their ministries, they were playing into the hands of the government. I find it sad that our spiritual leaders today would go out of their way to follow a paid legal consultant they were paying $5,000.00 to rather than listen to a prophet. I have literally had to walk away from life long friends and let them follow their humanitarian advisers in order to maintain their friendship. All I knew at the time was that after prayer God had impressed me not to be a spiritual lemming and follow my peers. Instead I stepped out by faith and filed a Non- Profit Religious Organization, Inc. I was told by my attorney friends that the state of Texas would not honor my filing and that I was jeopardizing my tax exempt status by not following suit with the 501(c)(3) crowd. It was extremely satisfying to me when I walked out of the Secretary of State Building in Austin with my documents in hand complete with the seal of Texas on my tax exempt documents and my Federal EIN.

For years I have stood against all the efforts of my friends and elders who assured me the only way to operate within the law was to convert my ministry to a 501(c)(3) or suffer the consequence. It was only after I had taken the step of faith to follow Gods instruction that I found out about the “Johnson Amendment 1954.”

What is the Johnson Amendment 1954? Well funny you should ask. In 1954, Texas Senator Lyndon B. Johnson presented a law stating that any 501(c)(3) who expressed a political opinion, said anything about someone’s sexual preference or said anything contrary to the popular government stance would lose their tax exempt status and was subject to losing their church property, confiscation of funds and seizure of their vehicles.

(The below is taken word for word from the IRS Code.)

The IRS explanation of the statute is as follows:

Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) to any candidate for elective office.

Contributions to political campaign funds or public statements of position (verbal or written) made on behalf of the organization to any candidate for public office clearly violate the prohibition against political campaign activity. Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes. Certain activities or expenditures may not be prohibited depending on the facts and circumstances. For example, certain voter education activities (including presenting public forums and publishing voter educational guides) conducted in a non-partisan manner do not constitute prohibited political campaign activity. In addition, other activities intended to encourage people to participate in the electoral process, such as voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives, would not be prohibited political campaign activity if conducted in a non-partisan manner. On the other hand, voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that (a) would favor one candidate in some manner over another; (b) oppose a candidate in some manner; or (c) have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates, will constitute prohibited participation or intervention.

The Internal revenue Service provides resources to exempt organizations and the public to help understand the prohibition. As part of its examine program, the IRS also monitors whether organizations are complying with the prohibition.


In Houston, Texas, a couple of years ago the mayor demanded the sermons of local pastors 72 hours before they were given, using this law to dictate what was being said about her from their pulpits. The government is now set to close churches in the time of civil unrest citing that pulpits can invite riots and internal strife.

Under a 501(c)(3) a church must file with the Internal Revenue Service on every dollar that comes in or goes out of the church so that even your contributions and the charities you support are now on file with the government.

Under the 501(c)(3) rule the government can at anytime confiscate the church books and audit any contributor to that church if they choose.

With these facts being put in play by our government, pastors are afraid to stand up for what they think is right. I have had pastors tell me that they cannot speak what God gives them from their own pulpits for fear of being politically incorrect and having the government pull their tax exemption status. They fear this would cut tithes to a point they could not support the church, and we all know that here again, he who controls the money controls the weaker man. Through fear of reprisal the government has forced its way into the pulpits of America and in their own way have forced us to accept things God calls sin.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

So let me say for all to hear:

  • All lives matter.    Exodus 20:13
  • Homosexuality is a sin.    Leviticus 20:1
  • Transgenders need to use the toilets of their birth not their choice.    Romans 1:27-29
  • The man who does not provide and defend his home is worse than an infidel.    I Tim 5:8
  • Premarital sex is sin.    I Thessalonians 4:3
  • Rebellious children are displeasing to God.    Colossians 3:20
  • There is no right way nor reason to do the wrong thing.   “Al Haygood (My Father)”

              Coming soon…

              As promised, I am putting together the Seventh Edition, but it is taking a little longer than expected. After getting into the preservation of the Remnant Seed, I realized a majority of the followers don’t understand the Five Fold Ministry, and without an understanding of this they cannot see the importance of the Remnant Seed. Please pray for the anointing to allow me to clarify the the value of this blog to the church today.


              Fifth Edition 

              When we left off in Edition Four, I was standing in the middle of a South Sudanese night staring into a flickering campfire listening to the most prolific arms dealer in Africa tell me the next President of the United States would be an Islamic plant – put in America by OPEC and radical Islamic leaders over twenty five years ago. He was tasked only to undermine the Western way of life and make sure that when the Arab countries attacked Israel, America would be unable to come to their assistance. Step by step he laid out the entire plan for me: how this man would orchestrate the destruction of our economy; bring riots to our streets; create chaos between the races; shatter our loyalty to Israel; and undermine and dismantle our military.

               As if that was not enough, he also began describing how he and his family had smuggled the bio weapons of mass destruction out of Bagdad while France and Russia tied the hands of the United States in the United Nations, giving he and his family time to hide or destroy what they couldn’t smuggle out of the country. He stated this would taint almost anything the conservative leadership could bring to the table. He actually knew more about our two-party process than most college graduate students and how not finding weapons of mass destruction would divide our country and put a cloud over our sitting president. With just a little prompting, he revealed that they had taken the bio weapons and nuclear material they had hoarded for decades to Egypt and Libya and had stashed them in Osama bin Laden’s old training camps under the watchful eye of Muammar Gaddafi.

              At this point I couldn’t stand to hear any more of his fantasy swill, and without thinking that this man could kill me and no one would even ask him why, I told him what I thought of him and called him a drunken loud mouth that only talked to hear the sound of his own voice. He responded at the top of his lungs, cursing me with every English profanity he knew – acting like the self-conscious bully he was. He said, “I’ll prove it to you.” Throwing back his head and puffing up his chest he blurted out, “To prove to you I know what Al Qaeda is doing, fourteen days from today Rafic Hariri [the ex-prime minister of Lebanon] will be killed in Beirut on February 14th along with his entourage. When you see this, you will know I’m not just a drunken Arab.” Almost speechless, I realized that I just poked a bad dog with a stick, and I treaded very lightly for the rest of the trip.

              Upon arriving in Kenya a couple of days later, I went straight to the American Embassy and met with the head of the regional Security (a polite way of saying he ran the African desk for the CIA). As I sat in his office trying to tell him about this hair raising experience, he just stared back at me through his almost black glasses and said, “These guys are always trying to act like they know more about Al Qaeda than anyone else. I don’t think we have anything to worry about.” For the entire thirty minutes I sat in the taxi trying to reach the safety of my hotel room, I kept running the whole scenario over and over in my mind. Had I dreamed the entire thing? Was I the only person in the world that could see this plot to destroy America; and if everything I had seen and heard in the desert was true, what could I do to prepare my generation for the upcoming events? You can only imagine what I felt when on the 14th of February I woke up and turned my TV to the BBC morning news and was met with bloody bodies and tangled steel of what was left of Rafic Hariri’s entourage. They had driven straight into a trap in front of the International Hotel and a planted bomb was triggered just as the ex-prime minister’s vehicle drove past. I grabbed the phone and called the Embassy but they were too busy talking to the State Department trying to explain to someone, whose pay grade was far above their own, how this could have happened on their watch.

               As the day waxed on, it became evident that alcohol had played a part of my conversation with the arms dealer in the desert two weeks earlier. Just before lunch, the arms dealer called and offered me $90,000 just to fly to Yemen and talk to his uncle (who is also a smuggler) about bringing medicine into parts of the Middle East. The alcohol had loosened his tongue, and he had revealed too much classified information to me. Suddenly I knew if I went to Yemen, I would never be seen again. Now for the first time since my arrival in Africa, I caught myself looking over my shoulder and using all the evasive tactics I had been taught. Later that day I called my wife Sharon back in Keller, Texas, and told her if I suddenly disappeared to have the State Department look for me first in Yemen and then in the deserts of South Sudan.

              In Edition Six, I will tie more of this into the open vision I experienced on the mountains of Colorado, the Prophetic Words God has given me over the years and to scripture. So please be patient – there is much more to come.

              ***I have had several friends mention to me that the blog almost reads like a book, but I assure you that this is not fiction. Every word of this is true, down to the smallest detail.

              Fourth Edition 

              For years I tried to piece together the prophetic visions I saw on the mountains of Colorado with Matthew 24, Daniel 7 and Ezekiel 12, but without divine guidance and spiritual insight, they were just one prophetic enigma after another. Now, standing in the heart of darkest Africa with one of the most powerful arms dealers on the continent, I was having a Eureka moment as he shared with me the innermost working secrets of a terrorist group called Al Qaeda. Suddenly, all the visions began to run together, and now it was not just quick snippets of “open vision flashes,” it was a full feature film being orchestrated by the hand of God. After all the years of frustration and confusion and hours of prayer trying to understand what God was showing me, I realized what He had revealed to me had not been as clear as black and white but gray and beige. Now it was all coming together with lighting speed and vivid living color. For the first time since my first prophetic vision, I could see not only the actions, but now I could see what was causing the actions and the force behind the actions.

              You cannot imagine how I felt as this man stood in front of me, silhouetted by our campfire against the black African night, telling me that our next president was going to be an Islamic–that he had been placed in America over twenty years ago by Arab power brokers, educated by America’s greatest political minds, had his finances orchestrated for him and tasked only with the destruction of America. My newly found friend went on to say that the Islamic world did not have the armies that could march through our streets, the air force to bomb our cities or the personnel to occupy our nation after they crippled it. They could, however, destroy our currency, crumble our economy and negate any influence we had on the world stage. He said this newly discovered Islamic Senator would rise from anonymity to world fame on the magic carpet platform that would take him from a Kenyan slum to the White House as part of a diabolical plan to destroy Israel by destroying her greatest ally from within.

              I sat there speechless as this man described in great detail how riots in our major cities, stemming from racial outbreaks, would divide our nation. How the minorities would wage war against our police and first responders and how this new Islamic President would call for the United Nations to send “Peace Keepers” to dominate the “Land of The Free.” Sighting incident after incident, he went down the list confirming everything I saw in the visions and everything I preached to that small but attentive congregation in Denton for over twenty years.

              For those of you who have read my book ”The Seer Chronicles” subtitled “The Caliphate,” you can only imagine the shock I experienced when the arms dealer started describing how the New Islamic President would devalue the U.S. Dollar to the point that the International Monetary Fund would recommend it be dropped as the reserve currency of the World Bank. Ironically, this actually happened today. The newly elected President would allow China to become the largest owner of property in the United States, and the Chinese Yuan Renminbi would be orchestrated to replace the dollar as the strongest currency in the world.

              For those of you who may find this vaguely familiar, please note my meeting with the Arms Dealer was in 2005, and I wrote the book in 2000. God was already at work preparing the message I was destined to take to the body of Christ.

              I will stop here and ask that each and every one of you call, text or contact all your friends and ask them to catch up on the blog, and get ready for the ride of your life. After this edition I’m taking the gloves off and will share with you what happened when I went to the CIA in Nairobi trying to save the life of the Prime Minister of one of our allies and how an “Agency Black Team” came to my house and scared my family to tears in an effort to silence me. How, in a Kenyan slum I was introduced to President Obama’s grandmother and as she embraced me, she shared with me that she had birthed him right there in her hut and only in America could a slum born child be a senator in the United States of America…… But that is for the next “Edition” !!!!!!

              Third Edition 

              As promised in this edition, I will address Matthew 24 and the words of Jesus when he was asked by His disciples, “When shall these things be and what is the sign of your coming?” When Jesus answered, He began describing some of the most harrowing things the disciples had ever heard and put in place specific time lines that still mesmerize Christians and scholars to this day. When He said for them to beware that people in leadership not deceive them, it shook them then just as it does today when Prophets proclaim that some Christian celebrities, home town preachers and “Mega Pastors” are sowing misinformation from their pulpits and misdirecting the Bride of Christ. I sat with a few friends around three weeks ago and discussed the possibility of the warning that Jesus gave when He said, “there would be wars and rumors of war” that it could include America. I marvel that intelligent men and women, raised on church pews and spoon fed the Bible since birth, could be so naive as to believe that just because we live in America we could not possibly see tribulation and persecution. In an effort to grow congregations by being so politically correct, they will not mention the words persecution, beheading, monetary ruin, divided families or national destruction in their pulpits. If that offends you, maybe you need to join the liberal churches who dare question the authenticity of Matthew 24 and have torn it out of their Bibles altogether. As we sat and talked, I told them we would see riots in our streets with murder being committed over something as small as a can of soup; drugstores being looted and merchants losing lifetimes of labor in a single night at the hands of unrestrained mobs. Of course the urgent question was: when will this be and what can we do? I mentioned at the beginning of this blog that I would share with you the things that God has given me over the years to watch for and how to prepare for times such as these. Well, hang on – this might be a little rough for some of you.

              When God began showing me time lines over some thirty five years ago, I saw riots and destruction beginning in America when the government could no longer issue entitlement checks, and businesses began to lay off workers with decades of seniority. In fact on one occasion, I remember the words that came to me, “if someone will kill you for a pair of ‘Air Jordan’ sneakers or a leather Bomber Jacket what will they do when their wife is hungry and their sick baby has no medicine”? My friends have asked me on more than one occasion what could possibly push a country as great as ours to the tipping point of financial destruction and political mayhem? I can only tell you what God has given me. When His people no longer worship only Him, when everything else in their lives are more important than His word and when attending the house of God becomes a chore instead of an honor, look up, for the time of judgement is at hand. We have prided ourselves on being the silent majority for so long – letting the abusive minority lead us around by the nose – that we didn’t notice that we have been lead down a path of destruction where there is no exit strategy. I will preface this rough ride we are about to take with this declaration: “The church is on the brink of the greatest revival ever promised to humanity, and the world is about to reap the harvest of the sick seed it has sown.” We are seeing wars and rumors of wars as stated by Jesus and nations rising against nations every day when we turn on the news, so what makes this one different? This is what God gave me.

              Over the years I have been visited by manifestations, and I call it God moments that little by little brought prophecy into focus. Sometimes it would be years between happenings, and sometimes it would be a few days. When I saw war in the streets of America, our cities being burned to the ground and our country being attacked by outside armies, I couldn’t believe that a country as great as ours could ever be overthrown. I actually asked, “God how this could be?” Often at night, I would stare at the Word and ask for explanations to the open vision I would have, and many times I wondered if I was the only one seeing these aberrations of things to come. How could America lose its financial ability to sustain itself, defend its borders and support its allies? I know that He showed me the time frames for the beginning of the “End” but how could it be and who would launch this overthrow of the greatest nation in the world? In order to share this with you, please try to get this setting in your mind.

              I searched the Word. I asked other Prophets and sought council from learned men, but it was not until I was sitting by a camp fire in South Sudan in 2004 that I began to see some clearing in the fog surrounding these perplexing visions. The night was cool and the fire flickered against the blackness that wanted to consume us. I was talking to the largest Arab arms dealer in Africa about what else? Politics. The Kuwait war had wound down; the Iraq war was raging. America was making progress in the Middle East, and I was stating that America was going to straighten out the issues that seemed to plague the Arab-led Islamic countries. Of course my friend had another opinion, and so it went back and forth between his Arab loyalties and my patriotic ideology until he dropped what turned out to be the Eureka Moment of my prophetic life.

              I feel the details of what happened next had such importance in opening up my spiritual awareness that, in order to do it justice, I will dissect it fact by fact in the “FOURTH EDITION.”